
An ideal nose should be able to breathe well and have an elegant look by adapting in a balanced way to the whole of the face. In aesthetic nose surgery, ie rhinoplasty, our aim should be to obtain a natural appearance that will primarily harmonize with other facial aesthetic units (mouth, jaw, forehead, eyes, cheeks). The operation to be done in order to obtain a natural appearance must be specially planned.
Rhinosplasty can be performed on any patient who has completed 18 years of age, complained about the appearance of the nose, has a realistic desire, and permits the health status. it is possible to eliminate the nasal obstruction complications with the aesthetic surgery in those who have trouble breathing. Since the development of bone is earlier in girls, rhinoplasty operation can be performed with the patient's interest from the age of 16 when there is disturbing deformity in advanced degree.
Before the operation is decided, the expectation of the person and what can be done should be discussed in detail between the patient and the physician and planned to be done in the operation. The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. Increased swelling and bruising can occur within the first 3 days after the operation. These swellings and bruises usually resolve within 10 days. The nose should be held in the splint for at least 1 week. It takes at least 6 months, about 1 year to get the last shape of the bow.