
Introduction :
Liposuction is a common use of more than 40 years of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. It has been around for many years because of its ability to reshape problematic areas safely and desirably in almost all of the body.
The right patient :
It is important to understand that liposuction is not a method used to lose weight in itself. The best candidates are those who are close to ideal body weight or only mildly overweight, but those who have excess fat in certain areas of the body such as abdomen, hip, thighs, waist symbiotic protrusions called 'love handle'. It is important that our patients have realistic expectations about outcomes. Undergone pregnancies will not be sufficient to solve liposuction processing problems only in cases of post-bariatric surgery or sagging with loss of elasticity in the skin after excessive weight changes with diet. In such cases, stretching operations will be required. Stretch surgeries can also be applied to different regions such as the thigh, arm, and abdominoplasty.
The right operation :
When we refer to liposuction, the classical procedure is primarily "tumescent" or suction assisted liposuction ("SAL"). If we have information about several other liposuction species, the premise is similar. To reduce the bleeding to a certain extent in problematic areas, a solution containing the vasoconstrictor epinephrine and lidocaine, a local anesthetic agent, is injected prior to the procedure. A long and thin cannula is used to suck and disintegrate the fat tissue in the targeted areas. Especially in the lower parts of the abdomen, bases, waist symmetry, outer parts of the thighs, chest protrusions extending to the armpit, upper arm, etc. Recently, UAL (ultrasound assisted liposuction) and VASER methods have been proven to be reliable and effective when performed in experienced hands. Smart lipo and laser liposuction methods are available but I do not prefer these methods anymore.
The right causes :
It is important to remember that Liposuction is not always a slimming procedure. People with normal or normal overweight, hereditary regional fat deficiencies that do not respond to diet and exercise are ideal. We often hear expressions such as "I have my mother's thighs" or "I have inherited the basics of my mother" from these patients. In our patients who have complaints of this kind but can not get rid of their problems with methods such as diet and exercise, we can obtain satisfactory results with liposuction. Liposuction can improve your body proposition, help your clothes settle better in your body, and increase your patient's self-confidence. As each of the incisions we make during the procedure will be smaller than 1 cm, the healing of the wounds will be fast and usually there will be no obvious marks.