Mons Pubis Esthetics

Mons Pubis Esthetics
The area between the fold line of the lower abdomen of the abdomen (caesarian stitches usually lie between this line) and the clitoris structure is called 'mons pubis'. Appearance may deteriorate and aesthetic interventions may need to be applied depending on whether this region is obese, is pregnant or structurally over-lubricated in some people, or if there is a combination of both problems.
Lipoidosis problem in Mons pubis region can be easily resolved by liposuction process. It can be applied in the operating room environment under local or general anesthesia. Nowadays, 'laser liposuction' or 'vaser liposuction' methods can provide more satisfactory results in advanced cases.
Except for the problem of lipoidosis, excessive weight gain or weight gain after pregnancy and weight loss due to body weight changes as a result of many parts of the body, such as in the mons pubis region of the skin elasticity loss and sags may occur. In this case, liposuction is not enough. Extension of the damaged quality should be removed and stretching operation should be performed. This procedure can be combined with abdominoplasty (abdominoplasty) surgery or mons pubis stretching alone. In this operation, we will have seams in the area where cesarean sutures are applied.