
The opposite penis is the clitoris. The clitoris is located at the point where the labia minor (inner lip) and labia major (outer lip) structures are located at the front of the female genitalia, and is an extremely sensitive tissue composed of the union of thousands of nerve endings. It plays an important role in female orgasm.
In some women, the clitoris may be abnormally large in size, which is normally large due to structural or hormonal abnormalities, swimwear and underwear, or even trousers. Some women may have abnormal skin folds on the clitoris, which can reduce the sensitivity of the clitoris and make sexual orgasm difficult to prevent during sexual intercourse.
Clitoris reduction, surgical removal of the overlying skin folds is referred to as 'cliteroplasty' or 'clitoris aesthetic surgery'. Because the clitoris is a highly sensitive structure, it would be more appropriate to perform this procedure under general anesthesia in the operating room, but local anesthesia may be sufficient in the appropriate patient. Concurrently, labioplasty surgery can be combined with other genital aesthetic surgeries such as maiden bristle, vaginoplasty, mons pubis aesthetics. Cytotherapy and labioplasty operations can also be applied to virgin young girls as there is no harm to the hymen during the procedure.
Suture removal is not necessary after surgery because of the use of erectile sutures. Depending on the pain threshold of the person after surgery, pain relievers and resting may be needed for 3-4 days. The shower can be taken 2-3 days after the operation. Sexual intercourse should be waited for at least 6 weeks to get into the pool of water such as sea and pool.