Breast Augmentation Surgery
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery operations performed today. It is a very safe process that happens quickly when you are in experienced hands and makes you smile with obvious results. The increase in the size of the chest increases the self confidence of the woman, and because of the small size of her breasts, she can easily wear clothes and swimsuit models that she is comfortable with.
The silicone implants we use in breast augmentation surgery are classified as drip and round as the main forms. Apart from this, size, projection, roughness of the surface, the content of the gel or saline is divided into many sub-varieties.
Breast augmentation techniques can be classified on the submaxillary or muscle fascia depending on where the implant is placed and on the nozzle periphery, submandibular catheter line or subcutaneous line depending on the cut to be made during the operation. Depending on the condition of the patient and the choice of the surgeon, these techniques may be selected.
Most patients come with a request to enlarge the size of their chest directly. However, before deciding on a breast augmentation surgery, it is necessary to study it from different dimensions, and it is necessary to plan the surgical operation to be done in a sensitive way considering some parameters. These parameters include the current shape, dimensions, skin quality, nipple position, level of the submucous line, and amount of tissue available to cover an implant (silicone material to be implanted).
It is important to understand that breast enlargement surgery is a private surgery because these parameters can vary greatly from person to person. Each unit has different physical features. The procedure that your friend has spent and the results you get from your imagination may not be appropriate for you. Or the breast shape you see in a photo and you like so much may not be nice in your body.
In some patients, the chest may be small, but it may also be a problem of sagging due to damaged skin elasticity and breast volume loss. If this is above a certain level, breast augmentation surgery alone will not suffice to obtain the best result in terms of esthetics. In addition, the breast augmentation procedure should also be offered to the patient. I believe that the patient's expectation, the personal and psychological state of the physician and the patient will be informed by the physician about the possible choices and improvements, and that the doctor and the patient will be able to make the most correct surgical plan decision
Suitable candidates for breast augmentation are those who want to increase their breast size, they must be the people who do not use cigarette. It can be done from the age of 18, it is not an operation that prevents giving birth and giving milk. Nursing mothers should wait at least 6 months after the baby is cut from the milk. The individual should be sized appropriately for the dimensions of the rib cage to fill the upper pole or upper half of a suitable breast prosthesis, but the skin should not be overgrown and under the skin.