Breast Restoration Surgery

Breast Restoration Surgery
Breast restoration surgery (mastopexy) with a younger silhouette and you can be sexually confident than yourself. Most women who need this operation do not like staying without a bra, the model clothes they want and the swimsuits can not wear freely and feel like someone who can not be self-restricted, sexually savvy. In fact, with a successful breast augmentation operation, we do not only have more vertical and projected mammals; In addition to this, we increase the sexual attraction of woman, cheerful appearance, self-confidence, and eventually quality of life.
Introduction :
There are many surgical methods that can be applied to patients with a problem of sagging on the meme. Undoubtedly, it is important to take care to personalize each operation so that your patients can deliver the best possible results. The most appropriate planning for the current situation of the patient is directly proportional to the best result.
Techniques used for nipple uptake can be classified as medial, lateral, superior, inferior, and vertically, lollipop, j-shaped or inverted t-shaped, or combinations thereof, depending on the resulting scar (scar) compared to the nozzle feeding (pedicle). According to the state of the breast volume, breast augmentation surgery can be combined with an implanted breast augmentation operation if insufficient breast volume is available or if a fuller breast than is desired is desired.
Often times in these surgeries, my preference is the technique with superior pedicle and vertical scar which can provide the best projection and aesthetic breast appearance, the most permanent results when it is planned in the right way. This technique can easily be combined with breast augmentation surgery.
The right operation :
If you are satisfied with your breast size, you will solve your mastopexy (breast augmentation) surgery problem alone if you have sagging. However, weight loss, birth and breastfeeding, such as hormonal changes caused by the volume loss can be compensated for by the simultaneous silicone breast implant. In more limited proportions, fat grafts derived from one's own fat tissue can also be combined with implanted or non-implanted breast suturing operations. The nipple-areola complex can also be reduced in size to aesthetic appearance during breast surgery.
Breast augmentation surgery can recover the dangling breast tissue, but it may not be able to raise the breast at an adequate level and permanently in the chest wall. Especially, when the decollete is worn, the upper part of the breast called 'upper pole fullness', which is manifested itself, may not be covered with the existing breast tissue. In addition to the breast projection, it is necessary to recommend the enlargement procedure in addition to the stiffening procedure in order to provide the desired result of these patients who want to increase the filling. In addition, liposuction can be applied to the underarms and to the sides of the chest to make the shape of the breast even more prominent.
The right patient :
The best candidate for breast augmentation surgery is a healthy, non-smoking feminity with ideal body weight. Patients should stop smoking before surgery, because nicotine undoubtedly influences blood circulation and thus healing process negatively. It is important to have realistic expectations of the results we can achieve with denture surgery. Some patients only hope to have a "double push up bra" look that can be obtained with some special bra. The scar is inevitable, but the incisions (cuts) are carefully placed during the operation so as to reduce the visible scar.
The right time :
For the best timing, it is necessary for the patient to be ready both physically and mentally, and it is better to wait if the appropriate conditions are not available. In fact, the recovery of the patient after this surgery is surprisingly easy, of course, it will take some time to recover. It usually takes one to two weeks to return to normal activities, and three to four weeks to return to a more active lifestyle.